The Ring Leader

“If you’re looking for the Exit, there it is . . . ” The Ring Leader sternly stated for us.

He made sure he said it loud enough so that even the tiniest person in the back could catch his drift.

It wasn’t our fault his twisted delusions and idiosyncrasies lead us to constant failure and the desire for something more . . . anything more.

For years now, his senseless ideas shined brighter than reason, intuition, foresight, and above all FACT. Delusions of grandeur aren’t always a bad thing when your grounded in reality. But, that wasn’t our Leader. No.

“Steal first.”
“The customer is always wrong.”
“Collaboration is for the weak.”
“It’s better to be rich than right.”
“You don’t teach your kids to share, do you?”

These were the kind of mantras our Leader believed in and that always cut me to my core.

He once told me “the fish rots from the head down,” then he became the Head and the stink was worse than ever before, especially when you’re the tail.

If you’re looking for an Exit, take it.

Trust me, you’ll be much happier on the other-side of the door.

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